Unique Gifts Ideas For A Guy Friend

We all have that guy who is just a friend and nothing more. You cannot ignore them or their presence no matter where you go, so eventually they become that one friend who is always there yet always far (sounds sad doesn’t it!). Nonetheless, when it is their birthday you certainly cannot miss gifting them something. So here are some ideas to help you out.

The third best movie

Although you might think that this is one the strangest birthday gifts for him, remember that typical presents always go with the favorite one. No one thinks of the third most favorite, it is always the first. And if your friend is a huge dedicated fan of the movie, he probably already has a collection of all that is related to that movie. So whatever you decide on gifting most probably would end up being something rather insignificant when added to his collection. So now you must be wandering then why not the second favorite? Well because, other friends of your friend’s probably realized the fact that everyone would be aiming at the favorite kind so they settle for the second favorite and if you too were to do that, then there is no point in your gift at all. So go for the third one. Listen to him while he talks about what his third most favorite one might be and try to hunt for some cool posters of it on e-bay. To make it even fancier, frame it! crystal wine glasses

Bring out the DIY crafts

Who says homemade DIY crafts are bad! Surely if you aren’t exactly the world’s neatest person, then there is a literally higher chance that your gift probably may turn out with mishaps and mistakes here and there, but nevertheless it is the thought and effort that counts. We can all obviously buy something fancy like crystal wine glasses from a store, but it is obviously replaceable. However, something handmade can never meet this worth. So you could try designing a scrap book to draw out a timeline in your friendship throughout all the years, you could design a portrait yourself if you are a good artist, you could hunt for some old and cheap vinyl records and turn them in to something more equally interesting and fun or you could simply go for a homemade cake or snack which is his favorite.

Go green

Today going green is all the that anyone and everyone talks about. It has gained so much hype that today even the simplest thing made from recycled products easily gains popularity and attention. So help the nature while also making a friend smile by gifting him something cool from stores like Etsy or even Uncommon Goods. These are stores that sell such recycled green products that are gaining more and more popularity. It might certainly cost a bit more than a usual gift, yet it is definitely worthy!

You could easily find such gifts online or by simply visiting a store. But what you need to keep in mind no matter what gift you may pick is that, it should be of some value. So think smart and buy smart!